How to Adjust a Name/Image Doily to Avoid Skewing

On occasion, I will add a picture to a doily, especially when I'm making a doily for a child.  So far, I hadn't run into an image that was skewed in a way that it just simply didn't look right.  Plus, this was a good opportunity to see how to make a smaller doily without changing my hook or thread size.

Below is a picture of the finished product.

This what it looked like after I made the adjustment and finished the doily, adding a simple border.

Here is the original doily next to the adjusted one.  You can see how the original one was much longer top to bottom and the rose image was "stretched"/skewed.  (Some of you may also note a slight hue difference between the left and right sides of the lavender doily.  This is not a photo alteration.  I switched thread balls and that is just how different the two batches must have been!)

Here is the original pattern drawing.  You can see how the rose has a nice even height/width proportion and this is what I wanted the doily to look like, too.

You can visit my YouTube Channel at if you would like to see how I made the adjustment.

Happy crafting!!


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